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The Loneliness in Sex Work Episode

The Loneliness in Sex Work

· 14:03


Sex Work can feel isolating because of society’s shortcomings and even simply within the logistics of the job. A question on how to manage feelings of isolation when on tour or travelling for work as a sex worker leads Eva Oh to reveal an insight into her touring history, and the habits, community and secrets that have kept her grounded - including a travelling totem and room service spaghetti bolognaise…
More on Eva Oh: https://eva-oh.com
(00:00) - Welcome. What is #teakink
(00:18) - A Question on Touring as a Sex Worker
(01:10) - My Touring History
(02:35) - But I Love Solitude
(03:25) - The Benefits of Sex Worker Communitiy
(03:55) - Familiarity on the Road
(07:15) - Dating App Entertainment
(07:50) - Keeping Motivations Front of Mind
(09:20) - Totems and Spaghetti Bolognaise
(11:10) - Touring in Doubles
(12:30) - Much Love!


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