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What is a Dominatrix? Episode

What is a Dominatrix?

· 14:58


What is a Dominatrix, as told by a Dominatrix. Eva Oh meets some newbies to the scene who inspire her to explain the basics of the role of a Dominatrix, what happens in session, how clients make requests and where it all happens. With some additional important notes, on power.

Watch on YouTube: https://youtube.com/evaoh

More on Eva Oh: https://eva-oh.com


Here are the timestamps for the episode. On some podcast players you should be able to click the timestamp to jump to that time.

(00:00) - Welcome. What is #teakink

(00:21) - Why Answer an β€˜Obvious’ Question?

(01:44) - What is a Dominatrix and What Do They Do?

(03:35) - What Happens in a Dominatrix Session?

(04:20) - How Do Clients Know What They Want?

(05:50) - More About a Dominatrix Session

(06:40) - Where Do Dominatrix Work?

(08:50) - Power, A Miniseries?

(10:00) - Lessons on Women, Myself, Money and Power


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